Friday, February 28, 2014

Network Virtualization - Troubleshooting and FAQ

It’s been a while since we published our whitepaper based on Windows Server 2012 R2, Hyper-V and System Center 2012 R2.

What I can say, is that we are working on something new and exciting related to this, and hopefully you will stay tuned to embrace it once it is available.

Besides that, we have been working on many, both small and huge projects where NVGRE is a part of the mix, and seen a thread or two in the forums as well.
As a result of this, we have ran into many challenges, been troubleshooting the bits and bytes and learned a lot.
I would like to say that there is not a thing I haven’t seen yet, nor discussed with customers, but I believe it’s more to come.

Network Virtualization is especially interesting for service providers, but also enterprises seems to adopt this technology. The experience so far is that Windows Azure Pack is a natural consequence of this technology, either for the internal IT department for provisioning and configuration, or for those who would like to offer IaaS or having their test/development environment available from anywhere.

The questions are many, and the complexity is enormous.

Hence I would like to announce that we will update the whitepaper shortly with a troubleshooting section (extended) and also add a FAQ.
This experience is based on late nights, hours, days, weeks and months, stuck at different airports, on small hotel rooms and a huge amount of coffee.

I hope you will appreciate it more than my girlfriend will.

See you all next week.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Always good to read..