Once in a while, I get questions from my beloved readers of my blog.
Some of them may also be quite relevant to the rest of the community, and this is the case for this blog post. I received some questions about networking in VMM and can happily share the Q&A with you here:
I would like to implement the converged fabric method via SCVMM 2012 SP1.
Currently we do not have plans to use NVGRE,everything is using VLANs.
Our hosts have 2x10Gb and 4x1Gb physical NICs. For storage we use HBA's connected to EMC SAN.
Q1: Logical switches:
Is it a good idea to create two logical switches in SCVMM? One for datacenter(vNIC LM, vNIC Cluster, vNIC Mgmt) and one for VM Guests. Should I use the 2x10Gb for the VMGuests and the 4x1Gb for the datacenter traffic? Will the 4x1 Gb be sufficient for datacenter traffic?
Our hosts have 2x10Gb and 4x1Gb physical NICs. For storage we use HBA's connected to EMC SAN.
Q1: Logical switches:
Is it a good idea to create two logical switches in SCVMM? One for datacenter(vNIC LM, vNIC Cluster, vNIC Mgmt) and one for VM Guests. Should I use the 2x10Gb for the VMGuests and the 4x1Gb for the datacenter traffic? Will the 4x1 Gb be sufficient for datacenter traffic?
During the
MMS 2013 session of Greg Cusanza there is only 1 logical switch used.
It depends on the
physical adapters in most cases. If you have, let’s say 2x10GBe presented on
your host, I would create one team (equal to one logical switch in VMM) and
have the different traffic spread among virtual network adapters with
corresponding QoS assigned to them.
But when you mix
with NICs with different speed (1GBe) then you would not be too happy with the
load balancing in that team. For this, you can safely create two logical
switches with VMM and separate those NICs in those team, and assign the
preferred traffic to each team. To decide which team and adapters you should
use to each traffic, I would recommend to give Live Migration and Storage
(iSCSI or SMB) a higher guarantee on minimum bandwidth. This to ensure that
live migration traffic is able to execute faster, and that your virtual
machines hard disks have sufficient IOPS.
See common
configurations here (Examples are shown in Hyper-V in Windows Server 2012 with
Powershell): http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj735302.aspx
Q2: Logical networks:
The following blogsite mentions to create an logical network for each traffic (LM, Cluster, Mgmt, AppA-VLAN, AppB-VLAN, AppC-VLAN)
On the otherhand the following videoblogpost shows to create only two logical networks. 1 Datacenter and 1 VM Guests, each with several Network Sites.
What is your opinion about this? Which one is best practice? Has one got (dis)advantages? Would I loose a functionality if I choose one above the other?
(taking into
account that we currently have 20 VLANs)
A logical network
in VMM should represent the actual networks and sites that serves a function. Let’s
say that ‘Management’ is the management network, where hosts connected to this
network can communicate with each other. You can have different sites and
subnets here (also VLANs) but all in all it’s the same logical network, serving
the function for management traffic. Also remember that VM networks (which is
an abstracted network of the logical network) is assigned to virtual network
adapters while using logical switches and teaming. So in order to get this
straight, you must have a logical network for every different network traffic
you would use in this configuration. This is because a VM network can only be
associated with one logical network.
Typically, you will
end up with a similar configuration when using converged fabric in VMM, according
to best practice:
1 Logical Network
for Management
1 Logical Network
(dedicated subnet/VLAN) for Live Migration
1 Logical Network
(dedicated subnet/VLAN) for Cluster communication
1 or more Logical
Networks for SMB3.0 traffic (to support multi-channel in a scale-out file
server cluster)
1 or more Logical
Networks for iSCSI traffic
1 or more Logical
Networks for VM guests (the VM network you create afterwards will be associated
with this logical network. By using Trunk you can easily assign right subnet,
VLAN directly on your VMs virtual adapters).
For more information
about common configuration with VMM, see http://blogs.technet.com/b/privatecloud/archive/2013/04/03/configure-nic-teaming-and-qos-with-vmm-2012-sp1-by-kristian-nese.aspx
Q3: Teaming:
In the same videoblog of Yung Chou, they mention that for the backend traffic we should use the uplink pp with teaming loadbalance alg: TransportPorts. This would give better loadbalancing.
For the VMguest traffic we should use Hyper-Vport.
This is the first time that I see this recommendation. What is your experience with this?
Q3: Teaming:
In the same videoblog of Yung Chou, they mention that for the backend traffic we should use the uplink pp with teaming loadbalance alg: TransportPorts. This would give better loadbalancing.
For the VMguest traffic we should use Hyper-Vport.
This is the first time that I see this recommendation. What is your experience with this?
This is a tricky
question and the answers is depending on how many NICs you have present on your
If the number of
virtual NICs greatly exceeds the number of team members, then Hyper-V Port is
Address hashing is
best used when you want maximum bandwidth availability for each connection.
I would recommend
you to order the book ‘Windows Server 2012 – Hyper-V, Installation and
configuration guide’ by Aidan Finn and his crew to get all the nasty details
For this to work from
a VMM perspective, you would need to create to logical switches with different
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