
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Cloud Consistency with Azure Resource Manager - Finally available!

I am very glad to announce the following:

1)      I am renewed as a Cloud & Datacenter MVP – for the fifth time!
2)      As a courtesy, we are releasing our newest whitepaper “Cloud Consistency with Azure Resource Manager

I have been doing a lot of engineering the last year, and Azure Resource Manager is one of the technologies I consider as a game changer and let us finally be able to achieve what we have always wanted, without knowing it was this we really wanted.
An idempodent and declarative way to describe our cloud resources, regardless of location and resource type.
Together with Desired-State Configuration, this is one of my big bets as we move forward.

I really hope that you will enjoy this whitepaper while we are all waiting for Microsoft Azure Stack, that will bring the ARM capabilities on-prem.

If you want to see more of Azure Resource Manager and how to model your cloud resources and applications, I would like to invite you to System Center Universe in Basel in August, where I will be giving several deep dive sessions on the topic:

You can download the whitepaper from TechNet Gallery by following this URL:

BTW: Here's the look on my daughters face when witnessing the capabilities of Azure Resource Manager

Thank you!


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